When I started this blog I wasn't really planning on sharing much about whatever nightlife I encountered, but the events of the last few days have convinced me that a blog was necessary. It all started when on a whim I decided to join a group of girls going to Prague to see Imogen Heap. So I booked my bus ticket and bought my concert ticket and was on my way. We watched an absolutely amazing concert by a very talented artist, who was at times a mere 5 feet away from us since we were that close to the stage. After the concert we got to meet her, then we wandered around Prague until our bus left at 5 am. Unfortunately since it was a Tuesday night, other than the clubs with the cover charges we didn't want to pay we had to go to casinos. Now Casinos are all over the place here and they're also bars, bars that are open 24 hours. So we sketchily hid out in these Casino bars for about 4 hours, eventually got on our bus, back to Brno by 9 am, and passed out until it was time to go out again.
Here's where it gets more interesting and less me bragging about Imogen, the International Students Club here hosts country presentations every wednesday where the various countries make traditional food and present about their country's history and what not. Then after everyone goes to Club Mandarin. Now basically every international student at Massaryk University is leaving the dorm we all live in at the same time to go to the exact same club. This results in a mass exodus. So, like the Jews out of Egypt we flock to the bus, where about 60 of us cram onto this already half full bus. So, imagine you are just an average czech citizen, on the bus at 10, and 60 drunk kids speaking about 15 different languages with about 30 different accents, none of whom speak czech get on your bus. Then to top it off halfway through the bus rid they all start singing, in beautiful voices of course, PIVO PROSIM, PIVO PROSIM, PIVO PROSIIIIIMMMMM (translated: BEER PLEASE, BEER PLEASE, BEER PLEEEAAASE). Well, some extremely fortunate Czechs get to experience that every Wednesday.
So, after fun and dancing everyone heads out in yet another mass exodus. This one though normally includes a stop at one of the many walk up food windows. This one being the hot dog one. Well, there's a sign over the hot dog stand that says "Po-Pa 8CK" with a picture of a hot dog (by the way for those of you doing the math, that would be less than 50 cents) so naturally for most of the time we've been here people have been ordering these "Po-Pas", because thats what the menu says...kinda. We've discovered the translation. Po would be the abbreviation for "Pondeli" or "Monday" and pa would be "Patek" aka "Friday". So, essentially they've been ordering Mon-Fris for about 3 weeks. Yet another way the language barrier makes life more difficult. Eventually the mass exodus ends back in Vinarska (the dorm) and life goes on (though not until the next afternoon of course).
oh my goshhhh! that bus sounds fantastic :) Wish I could ride it!