Thursday, February 25, 2010

First Week of Classes

I just finished my first week of classes here in the Czech Republic and have come away from the experience with a few enlightening tidbits of information. For example I learned that attendance is really optional, even for the professor. During the first half of the week I spent more time waiting for classes than actually in classes. Also, punctuality is not the most valued trait. My first class, the professor was about 10 minutes late, I soon learned that that was going to be pretty good. He went over the syllabus. End of class. Typical. Wednesday I had my next class. After traveling 45 minutes to get there, the prof never showed, I went and bought face paint so I could don my country colors at the party last night. Then this morning was the most productive, my prof for my first class was only 15 minutes late, we had a whole lecture, then my last class the professor was on time! I was a lucky member of the program to have the majority of my professors show up to class. Most of the program was out until 4 last night, a ton of people got up for the 8 am today, that prof must have had a late night too, he never showed, poor guys.
So long story short, the first week went well, and I don't think this semester will be too particularly taxing academically.
Also, on a quick side note, I have come to the realization that I will be living on pasta for most of my time here. Unfortunately, pasta sauce is not so common and pretty expensive. So as much as I enjoy the pasta with butter and garlic salt I've been eating, if anyone has any favorite things to put on pasta that don't come out of a can labeled Ragu I would sincerely appreciate you passing them along!


  1. Mix pasta with tomatoes, cucumbers, eggs, peppers and/or cheese. -Whichever of those ingredients proves cheapest for you :) I like to mix whichever of those I have at the home in it and fry them all up. First cook the pasta and then fry the other stuff and combine. Finish off with chocolate :) hahaha hope it works/hope you like that stuff

  2. salad dressing! like ceaser..and make pasta salad (with veggies) or parmasan cheese and butter yum..or make a pasta bake if you have an oven..just use tomatoes and mozzarella cheese!
    Miss you Anne! Great blog : )
